Wacky Wednesday…Hump Day

     Today was day 2 of my experiment with HCG. For the first 2 days you are told to eat whatever you want to, anything. I ate pretty much normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Day 3, tomorrow begins the actual diet phase, not looking forward to it, pretty much a starvation diet. They allow you 500 calories per day , ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!!! I usually have 500 calories by noon. But, I said I would try this, so I will.

      You are to take the homeopathic drops 15 minutes before eating, and the food you are allowed is pretty basic, certain proteins (chicken, fish, turkey and a few others), salad greens and only apples or strawberries for fruit. Where did I get this absurd idea from??? Oh yea, me 😦 I like to eat, really, so this is gonna be tough. I will keep you posted.

     Today was a busy one. My poor husband was up at dawn, to fly out, yet again, for 2 weeks. Poor guy, gets so emotional when he leaves, he really hates the travel. Praying some day we will be able to let him quit his job and stay home too and work the Good Boy Roy business with us. For now, his job is funding our efforts to bring this brand into the spotlight. I have been corresponding with ORCA, communications, a marketing company. I am considering hiring them and purchasing one of their media packages for  national exposure. If anyone has any experience with them please let me know. This will be costly, so I want to make sure it will be worth every penny. I have gotten some positive feedback so far from 2 other companies that have used them. I suppose if we expect to get any more than local attention we will eventually have to bite the bullet and pay for this kind of help.

     After my usual coffee and watching the news I went on a walk with my cute neighbor,. She’s a cute, young girl who had a sweet baby a few months ago. As a personal trainer I have been trying to help her lose some of that stubborn baby weight. Onto a doctor’s appointment for Zack aka Good Boy Roy. He has not been doing so well lately. He was doing so great, feeling so good and “normal” with the addition of a new medication for him this past year,however lately he has been backsliding a bit. We know, as a 16-year-old, growing so fast, this will be a challenging time trying to get his medications to stay at a good level for him. He wants so much to feel good again. Zack hates getting so upset, agitated, irritated and depressed. Who wouldn’t?

    It was such a blessing, so wonderful to see him for the first time in his life to actually act and feel like a regular kid. Thus is the roller coaster of loving a child with mental/neurological challenges. It is so heartbreaking to see him struggle and suffer. He has been such a trooper enduring the numerous trips to the lab for blood work, his poor little arm looking like a pin cushion as they always have a hard time getting his blood. So, his doc ordered more labs, as some of his meds have to be monitored closely, and we will see what the next step is once those results are in.

     I quickly cooked up a meal for the kids, stir fry terriyaki chicken and rice before dashing off to the gym myself. Today, Wednesday, was chest, biceps and triceps day. For those not into weight lifting this is pretty typical to split your days into muscle groups. I threw in some plyometrics, kettle bell exercises and jump rope, and left soaked with sweat which is AWESOME !!! Anxious to see what my FITBIT stats are when I got home. I hope they are better than my weigh in stats this morning, ughhhh, up a few pounds. Must be all those Coronas from my beach vacation last week catching up with me 🙂 But they were soooo good and cold.

     Just a little side note. If anyone is looking for a great, different and yummy gift to send people please check out Marshmerries. They make homemade, gourmet marshmallows in different flavors. They are to DIE for !!! I have ordered them before and am sending Mr. Jeff “Swampy” Marsh some for being so kind,helpful and encouraging to Zack. He is the creator of Phineas and Ferb on Disney. We met him while in LA during the gifting event for the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.  Zack was in heaven !!!.

Ok…time of truth. Weigh in stats this morning: 134 lbs: 20.8 % fat.

FITBIT stats today: 1619 calories burned: 9377 steps, just a few short of my 10,000 daily goal 😦

Tomorrow I will start the diet phase of the HCG plan.

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